Generate invoices for your Dutch company that meets Dutch Tax authority requirements

Streamline your Dutch B.V. finances with our innovative invoicing solution.

Say goodbye to tedious process of manual invoice creation.

Get paid faster and improve your dutch company cash flow.

Unique generate invoice and payment process features all in one tool

No more Duplicate invoice

With automatic unique invoice numbering, you can forget about the hassle of invoice duplication.

VAT Made Simple

Our system effortlessly handles VAT by applying the correct rates for EU transactions automatically.

Never Miss a Payment

Get timely reminders to nudge your clients/customers, ensuring payments are always on time.

Get paid instantly

Include direct payment links in your invoices for faster, hassle-free payments. 

Here is how easy to create a VAT invoice with click through payment link

STEP 1 Customise your dutch invoices

Insert a company logo to create a branded invoice:

Fill in Dutch company details such as company name, company number, VAT number and address 

Insert your Dutch company’s business bank details

Fill in Dutch company details such as company name, company number, VAT number and address 

Describe your products and services

Email Message attach the Invoice

Footer details Dutch company name and address

STEP 2 VAT rate

Customise VAT rate for your Dutch customers

No need to worry that the sales invoice does not comply with the Dutch Tax Authority requirements

Choose the right VAT rate for your Dutch company’s services or products. 

Apply the chosen VAT rate for your customers based in the Netherlands, EU and outside EU. 

This tool help you to apply the correct rate to the total amount before tax.

STEP 3 Generate, Send Invoice and get paid

Create a dutch electronic invoice with payment link

Generate an invoice effortlessly, with minimal effort.

Generate payment links effortlessly in just a few clicks with ease.

Easily send invoices embedded with quick-pay links to customers directly.

Receive instant payments securely and swiftly, enhancing your cash flow.

Curious to explore our features firsthand? Request a demo account today!